Using the 10 Journeys to Elaborate What Metacognition Can Mean
Using Good Learning Behaviours
Building understanding and use of teaching procedures.
Building a shared language for learning.
Reflection - the ability and willingness to reflect about what and how they learned including any changes to their thinking in either of these areas.
Building understandings and skills of collaboration / co-operation as well as trusts.
Shifts in perceptions of the roles of teacher and student.
Understanding the teacher's purposes and long-term agendas.
Building understanding that classroom tasks should always be linked to the relevant big ideas and key skills.
Active monitoring before the task and during the task, about what they will do/are doing and links to purpose and key ideas and skills.
Increased decision - making and independence.
Metacognitive knowledge
Knowing about a range of GLBs.
Understands that procedures such as Venn diagrams have purposes in terms of types of thinking and learning behaviours as well as an understanding of the value of these.
Knowledge of 1 & 2 as well as other terms useful for thinking about learning.
A sense of purposeful intellectual engagement versus mere busy work; an understanding of different aspects of reflection.
Knowledge of what good collaborative behaviours can be.
Understanding that, and how, the roles of students and teachers change in classrooms that focus on quality learning.
Understands the kind of learning community the teacher is trying to build as well as the value in this. Understanding of why a teacher may use behaviours such as wait time or delayed judgement or why they have selected a particular procedure.
Understands that there are big ideas and/or key skills that the teachers intends that they learn as well as an understanding of what the current ones are.
Knowledge of the sorts of self-questions associated with active monitoring of content, of what they are doing, of understanding and of their learning. Understands the value in pro-actively doing this.
Understands the kinds of decisions they can and should make in different situations.
Metacognitive control
Chooses to display particular GLBs as appropriate.
Understands and displays the particular aspects of thinking / learning behaviours intended by the procedures at hand and links these to the content at hand.
Can identify and articulate how they learnt how they are learning and how they could learn better.
Aware of whether or not they have an understanding of the key ideas of a lesson or topic and hence of when and what they need help on. Uses reflection to makes changes to how they will operate in the future.
Can identify weaknesses and suggest changes to improve collaboration in their group.
Takes more responsibility for their own learning; uses the teacher as a resource and facilitator rather than as the source of all knowledge and control of classroom agendas.
Works in ways consistent with the teacher's long-term agendas offers suggestions for what should be the lesson agendas and direction and how these might be better met.
Willing and able to reflect on links between tasks and big ideas.
Focuses on building understandings and skills, not just on completing tasks. Better able to inform the teacher of the sorts of assistance they need.
Displays informed and independent decision making. Has a higher capacity to get unstuck and address other problems of learning. Evaluates what they are doing or have done and whether or not this needs to change. Decides when and how to seek help.