Poor Learning Tendencies
Superficial attention to content
Skimming over a communication, with no attempt to actively process the information in order to generate personal meaning. No attempt to search for or distinguish between key ideas and examples.
Impulsive attention
Some parts of a communication attended to, others overlooked, e.g. the learner may focus on an interesting example and ignore a major point or attend to only the first of three criteria – spotty processing.
Premature closure
Ceasing work on a task in the genuine belief that it is finished, when in fact some things have not been done. No attempt to systematically check the outcomes against the instructions.
Inappropriate application
Jumping straight into using a memorised procedure or algorithm for a task where it is not applicable. No evaluation of the appropriateness of the procedure or of whether the task is the same type as earlier ones.
Staying stuck
Takes no responsibility and has no strategy for coping with getting stuck except to call for help. No attempt to return to the instructions, reflect on what they have done so far or to identify what it is that they can and cannot do.
Non - retrieval
The learner makes no attempt to identify ideas, views and understandings that he or she already has and which are relevant to the ‘school knowledge’ being presented by the teacher or text. The learner is unaware of any conflicts between this school knowledge and their personal views.
Ineffective restructuring
Persistent reappearance of apparently changed alternative explanations, misunderstandings or incorrectly learnt rules.
Lack of Reflective Thinking - within the subject boundaries
Tendency to limit processing solely to that dictated by the task. The learner constructs a very limited understanding because of inadequate linking to other ideas. it’s most extreme form is labelled:
Discrete learning
The learner focuses only on the current activity without attempting to look for connection between it and what has come previously. Each lesson, activity or even instruction is seen as isolated from the others.
A less extreme form we call-
Linear learning
Here attempts are made to link successive ideas and events, but only in the order they are presented. No attempt is made to link successive ideas on pages 2 and 82, or ideas and procedures learnt in different topics
Lack of External Reflective thinking
No attempt to link the current activity or content with ideas and experiences from the outside world or from other subjects. No divergent or lateral thinking.