The Project for Enhancing Effective Learning (PEEL)
The Project for Enhancing Effective Learning (PEEL) was founded in 1985 by a group of teachers and academics who shared concerns about the prevalence of passive, unreflective, dependent student learning, even in apparently successful lessons. They set out to research classroom approaches that would stimulate and support student learning that was more informed, purposeful, intellectually active, independent and metacognitive. This website allows you to access the ideas they developed.

About PEEL
PEEL involved groups of teacher researchers, like the group above, meeting to develop, document and share new practices and new insights into learning and teaching. The project involved a constant interplay between theory and practice. About PEEL describes the project and the key ideas that drove it and were developed by it.

What's New
What’s New provides updates and how to contribute to the site.

PEEL in Practice
PEEL in Practice is a rich database of ideas and resources that is organised somewhat differently from other educational resources. Clicking here takes you to details of how the database is structured and how to use it.

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